So many aspire to turn their passion into a business but so few actually do. Why? It is not lack of passion. It is not lack of ideas. It is not lack of customers. It is fear. Only a four letter word. How can this little word be so powerful? The purpose of fear is […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

March 13, 2014

How a Four Letter Word Can Stop You From Turning Your Passion Into Profits

In February 2008 I saw Tony Robbins live for the first time. What I didn’t realise is that this encounter would change my life, literally. Why Tony Robbins I was at the time a CEO on garden leave and a certified Dale Carnegie trainer living in London. I had heard about Tony Robbins from other Dale Carnegie trainers […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

February 27, 2014

How Tony Robbins Helped Me Find True Love and Passion

Have you ever wanted to start something big (like starting a business) and then you thought you should think about it first? Think again. Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles. [tweetshareinline tweet=”Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles.” username=”sigruncom”] What follows is my story […]

Blog, Business Growth, Passion to Profits

February 4, 2014

Stop Thinking. Start Doing!

I have set myself goals since I remember. The earliest clear memory I have is from kindergarten. My mom was picking me up and I dragged one of the boys to her and said: “This is the boy I am going to marry”. I was only 5 years old and the boy was the only […]


January 14, 2014

How To Set Goals with Soul

A business idea either solves a pain or provides a pleasure. Ok, this is a bit simplistic but it serves us well when we start to brainstorm on possible business ideas within our passions. So let’s begin with a story. Learning about success In May 2008 I went to a Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery Weekend seminar in […]

Blog, Business Idea, Passion to Profits

November 3, 2013

Is Your Business Idea Based on Pain or Pleasure?

Here are the options for how to deal your passion(s): 1 – Ignore them (not a good idea!), 2 – Enjoy them as a hobby 3 – Turn them into a business. Let’s assume that you’re not up for option 1 since you’re here reading this. This leaves only two possibilities; hobby or business. This post will help […]

Blog, Business Idea, Passion to Profits

October 26, 2013

How To Choose Which Passion(s) To Pursue

Everybody loves a good story. And when you hear or read a good story, you can easily remember it and share it. That is why I love reading non-fiction books that have stories to convey their message. I also believe that the stories in our own lives have a deeper meaning. These stories reveal so much – our […]

Blog, Business Idea, Passion to Profits

October 16, 2013

How Your Stories Shape your Passions and Your Future

I believe that the Universe is out to help us. And by Universe I don’t mean anything religious, I mean it as concept. If you know what you want, you are more likely to get what you want, because you are aware. It also works the other way around, it will tell you what you […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

October 8, 2013

How Your Childhood Stories Reveal Your Passions

I truly believe that everyone has a calling – or passion which is the word I prefer to use. I also believe that everybody can be an entrepreneur – especially if they follow their passion. The question I used to ask myself was “What is my passion?” I have stopped asking because now I know […]

Blog, Business Idea, Passion to Profits

October 1, 2013

What is your true calling? It is your job to find out

You are reading my first blog post. It took me forever to sit down and write this blog post. Why? Because I didn’t feel I was ready! But the thing is, with my perfectionism, I was never going to be ready, so one day I just decided this was the day I was going to start – before I […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

September 24, 2013

Why “Start Before You Are Ready” Is The Only Way

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