Why would you want to create a business from your painful experience? Because you care. Because it is on your mind all the time. Because you have become an expert in this area. Pain Changes You I have had my share of painful experiences both in business and private life and those experiences have changed […]
Have you ever wanted to start something big (like starting a business) and then you thought you should think about it first? Think again. Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles. [tweetshareinline tweet=”Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles.” username=”sigruncom”] What follows is my story […]
A business idea either solves a pain or provides a pleasure. Ok, this is a bit simplistic but it serves us well when we start to brainstorm on possible business ideas within our passions. So let’s begin with a story. Learning about success In May 2008 I went to a Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery Weekend seminar in […]
Here are the options for how to deal your passion(s): 1 – Ignore them (not a good idea!), 2 – Enjoy them as a hobby 3 – Turn them into a business. Let’s assume that you’re not up for option 1 since you’re here reading this. This leaves only two possibilities; hobby or business. This post will help […]
Everybody loves a good story. And when you hear or read a good story, you can easily remember it and share it. That is why I love reading non-fiction books that have stories to convey their message. I also believe that the stories in our own lives have a deeper meaning. These stories reveal so much – our […]
I truly believe that everyone has a calling – or passion which is the word I prefer to use. I also believe that everybody can be an entrepreneur – especially if they follow their passion. The question I used to ask myself was “What is my passion?” I have stopped asking because now I know […]
You are reading my first blog post. It took me forever to sit down and write this blog post. Why? Because I didn’t feel I was ready! But the thing is, with my perfectionism, I was never going to be ready, so one day I just decided this was the day I was going to start – before I […]