How to Find the Right Partner (and Yourself) with Lucy Shahjahan

February 12, 2021


You’re listening to the Sigrun Show, episode number 419. In this episode, I talked to Lucy Shahjahan, about how to find the right partner and actually you are yourself. Welcome to the Sigrun Show. I’m your host Sigrun, creator of SOMBA, the MBA program for online entrepreneurs. With each episode, I’ll share with you inspiring case studies and interviews to help you achieve your dreams and turn your passion into profits. Thank you for spending time with me today. Building an online business takes time. I share with you proven strategies to help you get there faster. You’ll also learn how to master your mindset, up-level your marketing, and succeed with masterminds.
Today. I speak with Lucy Shahjahan, an international love coach who teaches women to be their own soulmate before attracting the right partner. Lucy has taken her business to seven figures and has recently published her first book on how to attract your soulmate relationship. In this episode, we talk about how to find the right partner and of course yourself. Before we dive in, I just did my first 7-Figure Launch, the one I have been waiting for for a long time, and I want to tell you all about it. In my upcoming masterclass, lessons from a 7-Figure Launch, I will tell you my most valuable lessons, why it took me a while to get there, what I still want to do differently next time. And I’ll also go through all my other launches that I’ve done in the past few years, so you see the patterns for a great launch.
Go to the show notes at, where you find the link to sign up for, The Lessons From a 7-Figure Launch Masterclass, plus all the links to Lucy Shahjahan. I’m so excited to be here with Lucy Shahjahan, and talk about how to find a man or maybe even find yourself. Lucy, I was introduced to you by my friend, Selena Soo, and all friends of are automatically my friends. So welcome to the show.
Lucy Shahjahan:
Thank you for having me Sigrun. Very excited to dive into this juicy conversation with you.
Yes. So I work with female online entrepreneurs. I take them from zero to seven figures, and we do an exercise called Wheel Of Life, once a year, or maybe twice a year. Then I asked them to rate on a category from one to 10, eight categories in their life. It’s business, finance, health, romance, their home or their office environment, fun, friends and family, and all that stuff. So I’m typically focusing on the business and the finance side, but often it comes up that the romance piece is at zero, is sub-zero they say some of them. And these are very successful women and they’re building their businesses, and obviously they’re in my programs and working with me because they want to grow.
They want to make more money, go to seven figures and beyond, and then the romance piece come up and I say, “Well, I don’t do that.” So I’m glad that we are here today to talk about the romance piece because some women feel like they got to go looking once they have achieved everything. But before we go into all of that, I know this is a very juicy topic and people are all excited, “Oh, I want to know how to do this.” How come you’re doing this? What’s your story?
Lucy Shahjahan:
I’m doing this because I used to suck at love. I am definitely that type A driven. Was massively wearing a badge of honor. I was independent and strong for so many years until I realized that that identity was actually stopping me from attracting in the type of relationship that I really wanted more than anything. I had inherited that way of being from having a very strong mother, lost my father at a very young age, and she’s just such a phenomenal woman. She was in this, “I bought this, we’re going to be fine. We don’t need to sit around crying. Let’s just get on with it.” So as a little girl, the age of eight really took that deeply into myself of like, “Hey, no time for feeling right now. Let’s just keep on keeping on.”
And that was directly in opposition of the deeper part of me, that more vulnerable part of me, that’s soft, beautiful fragility that we all have within us that sometimes we are really scared to show in case it’s not received, or in case it’s rejected. And from losing my dad so I suddenly, I truly am my father’s daughter, and a piece of me died that day and the walls came up instantly in that moment when I was told that he had died. It was a sudden thing. I remember almost making this contract saying, “I will never let myself get hurt again. I will never leave my heart open like that.” And I’ll never forget the scream and the cry that went with that as a little girl as my world just tilted on its axis that day. So I didn’t really get this Sigrun, that subconsciously I was not available for love.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Lucy Shahjahan:
I was being the fun one at school, living with that jazz hands and presenting that I’m… got it all together, hiding and dimming that very deep feeling and sensitive part of myself that was actually very connected to the universe. And I decided then, Nope, I’m going to shut that down, until I got to 31. That’s a long time, was age eight to 31, there was always the intimacy and connection piece missing in relationships. I don’t mean sex. I mean really letting someone see me, really letting someone in. Nope, that was like off limits. And I had a wake up call. I’ll never forget. I was sitting in, I was very hangover, I’d been out the night before and I saw this picture on Facebook of me and my friends at my friend’s 30th birthday and I saw this girl all dressed, up dead eyes.
For some reason, this picture was speaking to me saying, I literally was just, “Wow, who is that woman?” Who have I become? Living this life that is fake. That woman there is devastated. She’s not where she wants to be. It’s all just pretending, pretending, pretending. I wasn’t being fully authentic. I wasn’t bringing in these parts of myself and so on that day, I think I cried for the next two days as I looked around my life. I was in a job that wasn’t in alignment, was paying great. Wasn’t in alignment. Wasn’t using my gifts. Nothing to do with my heart. Living on Sydney Harbor, the most beautiful life on paper you could imagine. Beautiful friend’s, house in the country, holidays and yet I felt dead inside. And not just dead inside, but separate from myself. Numb.
And I rang my mum that day and I said, “I’m quitting my job. I don’t know what’s next, but I am not going to go another decade like this because I don’t know where Lucy has gone.” I said, “But this ain’t it.” And it was interesting, Sigrun because at the time I’d be making vision boards and going to workshops of self-development and watching the Secret 35 a thousand times. But I was never letting it penetrate me. It was like I was taking it into here and avoiding the depths and the shadows and the unresolved grief, resentment, trauma, not enoughness. I wasn’t going there. And I realized that I was just dabbling and intellectualizing with this whole self-love and getting frustrated with it. Because I was like, “Hey, where’s my $100,000.” A Sigrun said, just be positive and blah, blah, blah.
And it’s a great book, but it’s missing out about, what’s your truth? And let that ugly, raw, beautiful truth come to the surface. Stop pushing it down. Stop hiding behind being busy. Stop with the overachieving to feel validated and worthy. That’s when I went on this trajectory of, I’m going to be hot lead. I’m going to stop asking every man and their dog their opinion on what I should be doing. Stop with the people pleasing, overcompensating nonsense. And in that one moment of crying a river for two days, again, even on every weekend I was hangover. I was like, “This has got to stop. You’ve got to wake up Lucy and get conscious about your life.” And that you’re giving your light and you’re not living on purpose. You’re a hot mess, basically. I’m so glad that I let that truth like an avalanche really hit me and knock me down to my knees, because so often we’re in avoidance about truth. We don’t want to be with our pain.
We don’t want to feel like a failure. In fact, we don’t want to feel full stop. That’s where I see so many entrepreneurs get into burnout and overachieving where they make their millions, but they’re like, “Ah, what’s all this for, I’m still empty.” So I’m just really excited to have this chat with you because, yes, make seven figures, eight figures. Make as many figures as you want. But that age old saying of, it really is the journey that matters, if we’re not enjoying the journey, and honestly reveling in our success along the way, and really experiencing our relationships very presently with ourselves, but also with the people around us, then I say, what’s it all for?
What did you do as a result of this revelation? How did you find yourself, so to speak?
Lucy Shahjahan:
I quit my job. I had realized that the little voice within said if I could do anything, I would act. And I said, “But you can’t do that Lucy, you’re too old now, you’ve missed the boat.” So I was talking myself out of it before I even allow the thought to come through. And then I said, “Right, what do I need to do if I’m going to act at 31?” Because even though that’s young in the acting world that was quite old, 24 was the peak, right? So anyway, I said, “Right. I’m moving to New York. I’m going to audition for this top acting school.” I have no idea. There’s no certainty in acting, but I said, “I’ve got to go and see this dream through.” And so I did, I got into the acting school, went, did extremely well, but Oh my goodness. I got pulled apart in the best possible ways on this journey of deep self development.
Where my teacher said to me, “You’re technically very good,” And this coach is, Nicole Kidman. She’s like the 70 year old Panza. She said, “You don’t even know what vulnerability is.” And I said, “No, I don’t.” And she said, “And when you do, and you’re going to act from that place, forget about it. It’s going to be amazing.” And I said, “Whatever I have to do to be vulnerable, show me.” “You got to let us in. We got to be able to feel you.” It was so foreign to me, Sigrun, I said “What do you mean?” I mean, I’m acting, I’m doing the part, she said, “You’re doing the part. You’re not being and feeling.” And that directly, when I looked at my life, I went, “Oh, art imitates life.” And I said, “Oh wow. I got a big gaping hole in the way I’m living.” It was just such food for soul, I was like, “Oh my God, yes, let me do this vulnerability thing.” And it was at the time when rockstar Brene Brown’s YouTube video went viral.
Lucy Shahjahan:
So I’m watching that. I’m hearing my singing teacher talk about vulnerability. And I was like, “I want that.” And I made that my mission. And so to answer your question, I made that the priority to do whatever it was going to take to get rid of all my body guards, all my protection, my independence is masculine. And I said, “I’ve got to let people in.” And that was when not only my acting career started to take off. I was given the role of Hillary Clinton to play in a one woman show. And I said, “She’s not vulnerable.” I go, “Give me Marilyn Monroe.” She said, “You don’t know your power to your player.” And I said, “I don’t know what that means, but I can tell you right now that I’m feeling that whatever you’re saying is truth.” So I decided, I then said yes to playing Hillary, which was scary. She’s still alive. It was before the election. I actually met her and she wrote me a letter, that’s a whole other thing.
But I played the version of Hillary where I also brought in her humanity and her vulnerability. So this on earth, that part of me Sigrun, and then stepping into Hillary shoes I then stepped into my own leadership. So it was in the middle and the height of my acting career that I felt this deeper calling on my heart, which brings me to the love coach piece. And I’ve known since I was a little girl, I was meant to inspire and motivate people. I just knew it. But I kept saying, “Well, when I’m 65, when I’ve had children I’ll do it there.” And I realized in that-
Same here.
Lucy Shahjahan:
Yeah. And I went… because I was so out of my comfort zone with the show. I said, “If I don’t say yes to this deeper calling and I died tomorrow, would I be okay with that?” And the answer was no, I’d be dying with the music inside of me. So I literally in the middle of this career, I said yes to a deeper calling. And I pivoted and I said, “I’m going to go and inspire women to literally follow their dream.” And then that morphed into so many people coming to me for their dream, when really they actually wanted to attract their soulmate. They were all professional women. And then of course I was on such a journey to heal my abandonment and my grief. Am I not enoughness and all that stuff, and I attracted in my soulmate in New York City, which is a tough place to meet people. So I was already doing such a big journey and I realized, “Oh, I’ve attracted him in.” It certainly wasn’t the type of men I was attracting in before.
So I was like, “Oh, I’m in a place where I’m now ready to lead others.” Then I created my signature program, Soul to Soul, which is eight week program. It goes incredibly deep. Women that have done therapy for over 10, 15, 20 years will come and do this and start shifting right away. So I just wanted to give you the backstory of sort of how I landed here, because I think it’s really great as well for your beautiful, beautiful community to hear that at any given moment, if you’re having a stronger calling or even with your business, you might be like, “Oh, but I want to go play over in that space.” If that’s where your heart wants to go, who are you to get in the way of that? Because when we really are living in alignment with our truth and with what’s calling us, the abundance follows.
Very true.
Lucy Shahjahan:
So it doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing something for 10 years, stop flogging a dead horse if you’re not actually feeling lit by it and go, “What feels the juiciest thing for me right? Now is my business aligned? Am I loving my clients? Am I loving what I’m doing? Is that momentum here?” And if it’s not, don’t beat yourself up. Just say, “What is it inside of you right now that I would feel just so pumped to do?”
Yeah. Great. I love how your story is actually a story of so many women who don’t feel they can follow their dreams. My why is, I saw women when I was 16 years old that said they couldn’t follow their dreams. And so I decided myself that I would become that role model to always follow my dream. So what is it about women who, professional or entrepreneurs I don’t think it really matters here. I would say highly ambitious women they’re used to success, but they are driven by significance, if we want to use the six human needs of Tony Robbins, because I identify a lot with that several years ago. Driven by significance.
But actually I had a wake up call 2008 where I decided I wanted love to be… driven by love and connection instead of significance. What is it that they might be missing? Do they think they’ll just find the man on the way to significance or they’re putting love on the side? Like you said, it’s a journey. It’s not a destination, and then at the end the destination it all will become magically a kingdom and you become the queen.
Lucy Shahjahan:
Yes. I can absolutely answer that. What I find, because I have women coming to me, [Joan Abbott 00:17:11], PhDs, multiple. They’re really big achievers, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s fantastic to have that ambition and drive and go get it attitude. Just for me, the shift was really going a bit deeper as to where is this coming from? Is it because I wanted to get recognition deep down from my mom to be proud of me? Is it that I need people to see me? And so I’m just really doing everything I can when really I need to see me and I need to approve of me. And so that’s the first thing is to look at where is your drive and ambition actually coming? And you might say, “Oh, no, Lucy, it’s nothing to do with my parents.” Well, I invite you to actually really take this in and to go back to the little you, when you were about three or four.
Did you have to work really hard to receive love. Was mum maybe not present, working a lot. Dad, maybe also not that present, because it starts at a very young age. What I see is that women are so busy in this proving energy, it’s like autopilot. They haven’t stopped to question it. Then suddenly it’s like, “Oh, I don’t just want to get the man.” It’s like, “I got to get that piece of the puzzle and just slot that in.” Tick box, he’s got this degree. Have done this. He got to have good family. So the way they’re showing up to love is with their CEO hat on, with the masculine. It’s like an interview. Very, very disconnected from the heart. And they keep getting let down in love where they’re not the priority. That’s because they’re not making themselves the priority. They’re overworking, over-delivering at work. Working the long hours, not getting that pay rise.
And it’s all this lack energy underneath. It’s actually addictive because it’s like, “Oh, at least I’m working and I’m doing…” and they’ve got this whole belief, you’ve got to work really, really hard to get ahead. You got to work really, really hard to do well. And that’s what’s feeding them versus, “Hang on. I need to prioritize self care and self love and pleasure and feeling.” That is a huge paradigm shift that I see with my very cerebral, very brilliant women. They come to me, they’re like, “It’s just the man. It’s just the man. It’s just the man.” And then about three weeks into the program, their jaws are like, “Oh, it’s nothing to do with the man.” They realize that they felt abandoned, and so they in turn abandon themselves and just being on this absolute treadmill. So they’re going like that with themselves.
Instead of being in this beautiful soulmate relationship where they’re deeply treasuring themselves and celebrating themselves. We often forget to celebrate and brag about our successes and our wins, right? It’s just, “Oh, I’ve got to get the next thing all. If it was in Forbes then it should have been in medium entrepreneur.” There’s always that… Constantly, it’s not never quite enough. So it’s an attitude that needs to shift and a belief that needs to shift, right? Because so many of my women really feel that love is hard. They feel that they’re not good at it. And then on a deeper level, they don’t actually feel like soulmate material. That’s because as I say, it comes back to the overachieving is the unworthiness piece.
And so I said, you’re right now in all of the masculine and you have the feminine within you, but it’s operating this much. It’s like a DJ. Dial up the feminine. And it’s funny, Sigrun because they’ll freak out and go, “No, no, but I’ve got to be in a boardroom,” or I’ve got to run this and I’ve got to do that. What’s going to happen if I start bringing in my feelings like, “This is scaring me, Lucy.” I said, “Oh, you’ll get a pay rise promotion.” And that’s exactly what happens. And they do it effortlessly. I had a beautiful girl who came to me. She’s exactly what I’m talking about. Beautiful blonde woman, deeply depressed, but masking it. She said, “Well, if I could do anything in a year from now, I’ll be CEO of my company.” Well, she got that. And along the way, ended up reducing her hours to four days a week, getting paid so much more effortlessly.
Her team, which was male, were all responding to her new energy of deservability. She was barely even asking for these things and she just kept getting handed all these opportunities, because she turned on and activated her magnetism. And what shifted was, she started putting her priority and her energy into her deservability. I call it filling up your love tank, filling up your heart with your own medicine.
When you say deservability, instead of believing you don’t deserve certain things, you have to work hard for them. Changing the belief that I deserve.
Lucy Shahjahan:
100%. It’s not just a conversation of you and I just saying, “Oh, Sigrun, you’re so deserving and beautiful. You can have the wealth.” That doesn’t mean anything if I’m saying that to you. This is what I love about the process that I take people through, I’m not up here on a pedestal as a coach. It’s not like you need me. I have the process. But any one of us when we’re held and supported and really seen, right? Like a real soul level, we can go on and create whatever we want. So I teach people how to really see themselves to really love. When you look in the mirror, it’s not just like, “Oh, look a bit tired today.” I’m just going, “Wow. I love you.” And like, feeling that in every cell of your being. You start doing that every day and you start saying, “I’m so proud of you. I adore you. I’m going to prioritize you.”
As well as drinking green juices, drinking your affirmations, feeling those and feeding those to yourself, it is medicine. Because we don’t just ingest food, we ingest thoughts, we ingest words. So it’s really up leveling your relationship with how you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself. I use the analogy of a newborn baby. A newborn baby’s crying, having a tantrum. You don’t just go, “Hey, hey. Go sorted out.” You’re like, “What do you need? Come here. Let me sooth you. Let me take care of you.” Well, I feel that we can have very conditional relationships with ourselves. When we’re doing well, we’re like, “Oh yeah, I’m awesome.” But suddenly if we go through a pocket of not getting what we wanted or being rejected, we can actually turn on ourselves and then we start to work even harder.
But again, it’s coming from lack. So it’s really about this… I do really use the newborn baby because as adults this is not hard. This is actually something that every one of us can do. Is just to go, “What if I really treated myself and checked in every day? What do I need right now?” And you might hear something as basic as, “Oh my gosh, I’ve been holding on. I actually need to go to the bathroom. I’ve been holding on for six hours because I wanted to get this thing done.” So it’s this relationship of really up-leveling how you treat yourself, because we literally attract who we are. If we aren’t giving ourselves the rest that we need, the nourishment, the food, the loving thoughts, the tender care that we want from someone else.
If we’re not giving that to ourselves and really being able to say, “I love and adore myself,” how are we supposed to receive that when someone else says it? I remember man used to say it to me and I was like, “What do you mean you love me?” It’s freaked me out. I would reject it because I didn’t have that soulmate relationship with myself. I was always in disbelief saying, “Why do you love me?” Tell me.
But it’s hard. It’s hard. I think for women who are successful or on the path to success. Most of the people listening to this podcast have their own business. So they can feel it. The harder they work, the more success they see. So they’re like, “Yeah. But this logic doesn’t work out. If I work less hour I’m going to make less money.” But at the same time it’s like, “I love myself. But I failed at this last launch,” or “I didn’t send out the email I was planning to send. I’m not doing the things I should be doing my business.” And at the same time, I should say, “I love myself.” I’m playing devil’s advocate here.
Lucy Shahjahan:
I love that you are. I’m so glad you brought that up because what I’m hearing when you share that, which is really what’s going on right now in this moment with many women, I’m sure that are listing, “Oh, that’s our old very well Lucy.” But I’ve got to wear all these hats and I don’t even have time for that. The point is, you don’t have time not to. Actually start putting yourself first to get quiet because here’s the deal. So often these women that I’m talking about, and this absolutely used to be me. It’s so frenetic, it’s cardigan on energy. It’s like trying to reach everyone versus… So its taking action from the masculine, from do, do, do. Should, should, should. Got to, got to, got to versus really being still and being connected to the universe, the divine creator God, or just something else that you know is bigger than you, whatever you living.
Even if we’re constantly busy, if you skim a stone into a busy turbulent ocean, you’re not going to see the stone. This is what happens when we get so frenetic with our careers. And it’s just this automatic pilot, got to get all this done. We just take a moment. Just 20 minutes of a day to just sit and be. You are going to get the download the divine and you actually going to get the inspiration. That’s the person I need to reach out to. And that one person is going to be 10 times better than doing all the things that you think that you should be doing. So my invitation is for everyone that will be listening to this, to get closer from your email list to the way that you communicate with your list. Whatever it is you do, really ask yourself, does this feel aligned with me?
Am I enjoying communicating this way? Am I enjoying doing business this way? Or is there another way? Because you’re not aligned with all of these touch points and all of these KPIs, it’s like you’re being a slave to your own business, and it’s not unique to you, it’s not signature. That’s why it’s about getting conscious with the way that you’re showing up in your life every day, because we spent a lot of time on our business. If we’re not enjoying it and consciously choosing it, and we’re just doing what we think the trend is, like right now on Instagram, for instance, I’m seeing a certain way that people are doing Reels, everything. And I’m like, “I could go and do that because I think I should.” But actually it’s not aligned with me. So I’m just not going to do it.
I’m not doing it either.
Lucy Shahjahan:
I’m doing the odd Reel, just something that I want to do. But there are certain trends I just don’t do because I’m like, “I’m not a puppet. I don’t feel like doing that.” So that’s what I’m just really inviting you to do, is to realize you are so magnificent. There is no one like you, right? Every one of you listening to this, it’s not a coincidence. People are wanting you, what you bring, your magic. So that’s why it’s so important that you’re filling yourself up and really operating from your, well, the most optimal hot version of you. So people can feel you. And that’s where you’re going to get much bigger conversions when you’re truly connected to your mission, your purpose, and your why, you’ve heard this before. You just can’t get it wrong because then the universe starts to come in and it starts opening doors that we couldn’t open just by sending out the perfect g-email sequence, right?
It’s bigger than that when we start to get into a conversation with, does this feel good for me? Does this feel aligned? Am I excited to send this blah-blah-blah, or to create this new program. I think I’ve certainly been in that place where I’m hearing all this advice and this is what you’ve got to do. And if I look back, I wasn’t aligned with any of it. It was just cookie cutter stuff. So of course I wasn’t getting traction. This whole conversation is very much about dropping into the feminine, which is the heart, which is trusting yourself. Your instincts, being instinct led and feeling led. When you start doing that, it’s going to show up everywhere. It’s going to show up in your business where there’s a lot more feminine oozing from you. And we need to bring in this same energy where when it comes to relationships, that if you really want to have a relationship like this year.
You’re like, “This is the year,” then don’t just keep doing what you’ve always done, and just think that the universe is going to bring it to you in between your random, very few breaks that you have. I met my soulmate at the exact time that I was putting up my one woman show where I had zero free time. It was like the most ludicrous time to attract my soulmate. Everyone said, “You’re crazy. Wait until the show’s over.” I said, “I’m sick of putting this off. I’m 36. I want to meet my soulmate. I want to have a family. If I keep putting this off, I’m going to miss out.” “I just got this. If I don’t have the space energetically, and I’m putting everything else before it, and this is like an afterthought, I’m going to miss out.” And so that’s when I said, “Right.”
I created that space, even just energetically saying, “I’m ready right now to receive my soulmate.” And he came in right before my show started. I mean, I was even shocked. But the only thing that shifted was I opened up that space where I said, “I am actually ready to receive, and I’m not going to put anything or anyone or any excuse in the way. It’s now.” And I declared it, and I summonsed it, and I demanded it. And I said, “This is a non-negotiable.” And as you can hear in the energy I got into the expectancy of it. I was like, “This is happening.” Because I was using that in other areas like career, but I’d never done that with certainty with my love life.
That’s beautiful. So now you have published a book.
Lucy Shahjahan:
Tell me about that.
Lucy Shahjahan:
It’s just so interesting Sigrun we’re doing this chat right now, two days before my launch. I’m so grateful because it went through a name change, it’s gone through different launch dates and officially, this book I’ve done is launching into the world. It was exactly what I talked about with you. It was actually a download that I got when I was 36 weeks pregnant. We just moved from New York to LA. We hadn’t even found our home yet. We were in temporary accommodation. And because I’m tuned into really getting these downloads, I got this almost tap on my shoulder. I just felt it, “Lucy, it’s now. You got to do the book now.” And I’m like, “Are you serious? This doesn’t make sense.” When you’re living in the feminine things aren’t logical.
They don’t just necessarily make sense. But I knew not to ignore the hunch because this was to become my new normal, but I never used to follow through on those hunches and I went, “Okay. Got it.” So my husband and I booked in a hotel in Palm Springs and for eight hours straight, I got the download. Didn’t even know what I was going to say and just channeled the book into Rev. The reason I’m sharing that story with you is it’s not about waiting to be ready. It’s about when you get that, “You know what it’s now, let me do this.” Just like I did with my soulmate before the show, I was like, “It’s now. It doesn’t make any sense, but let’s do this.” I was just so happy that I followed through on that, because honestly, I’d be sitting here and I still wouldn’t have done it at all.
I let the process be easy. I was like, “I’m not going to buy into anyone stories of books on how hard they are. I’m going to have a lot of fun with this.” What I’ll tell you Sigrun is, I downloaded it, send it off to editors, had my baby girl, popped it for a little sec. Then I came back to it in sort of February of 2020. And every time we went to edit the book and I was in that grind energy, you got to get it done, got to get the deadline. I actually paused and stepped away from the book. Because we all work in progress. I said, “No, when not to putting any of that energy into this book.” And I ended up then creating a whole chapter about resting and receiving.
So rest is one of the biggest things that my women that I work with learn. It sounds so basic, but it’s been one of my biggest lessons, is that, we don’t need to wait for permission. We don’t need to have done a 75 hour work week to then rest. We can rest because we make it a priority and we deserve to rest, just because we deserve the rest. I’m just sharing because that is for my women. One of the biggest shifts that they make is treating themselves with so much more love, respect, everything and their life starts to take off. So I’m really, really excited for as many women to get their hands on this book, because the feedback so far from my clients that have read it, they say, “This is not another self-help book. Lucy’s going to kick your and level on you.”
And it’s a co-creation, right? In this book. They’re saying it’s medicine for the soul. It’s really something that penetrates very deeply. To be honest, I feel like I’m just an advocate for this book. I would love for those of you that are resonating with this to, Hey, come on Wednesday and download the book. It’s just going to be 99 cents on Kindle and that’s going to help this book get to bestseller, so that it can go out into the world and open as many hearts as possible. Because I truly believe that love is the highest currency, and it’s not something that you need to put off. It’s something that actually when you choose to let it in, it’s just going to amplify everything.
That’s something that I was missing because I thought I had to get all these things done first. When I really shifted that and said, “But what if I let it in now?” That’s a one thing that I want more than anything. “What if I stop with the excuses and made it the priority?” Boom. And it was the best thing that I let in. Its been really, really fun to chat with you, Sigrun.
Beautiful, beautiful. Lucy, thank you so much, and yes, we are linking the link to the book in the show notes. Go and grab it right away. Whether you are listening to this episode on the release date or later on, let’s go and get the book. I’m done with Lucy. Lucy, thank you so much for coming on the show. It’s been fabulous to chat with you.
Lucy Shahjahan:
Thank you so much for having me, Sigrun. We’ve had a ball.
I recently did my first 7-Figure Launch and I have with love to tell you all about it, and why it worked this time even though I tried a few times before. I will also talk about many other launches that I’ve done and you will learn how you can make your launches great to. Go to the show notes at, where you will find a link to sign up for this upcoming launch masterclass, plus all the links to Lucy Shahjahan. Let me know that you have signed up by sending me a DM on Instagram with a code word, launch, and I might have something for you. Thank you for listening to the Sigrun Show. I really appreciate you listening. If you haven’t left a review yet, then I would love if you took the time to go to iTunes or I think they call it Apple podcast now, and left a review so other people like yourself can find this podcast. See you in the next episode.

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