For the past 23 years, Anne Arvizu has been an expert in the pharmaceutical industry. She has done six years of research in the development of infectious diseases and oversees medical affairs in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Anne calls herself “part of the police force” of the pharmaceutical industry, gathering, reporting and researching data […]


March 18, 2020

Coronavirus and Entrepreneurship in Challenging Times with Anne Arvizu

I never thought I would talk about a virus on my podcast, recession maybe, but not a virus. But here we are. At the time of the recording of this episode there are 65 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in Iceland and 500 people in self-isolation, a country with a population of only 350.000 people. […]


March 11, 2020

Coronavirus and the Looming Recession

If you want to grow and scale your business, Facebook ads alone aren’t going to cut it. Have you ever thought about using publicity to make your business grow and become a known expert in your field? There are a lot of good reasons to do so: Publicity costs you less, it reaches an audience […]


March 6, 2020

How to Go From Being an Unknown Expert to a Household Name with Selena Soo

Launching a new product costs time and money. When your launch fails, it can send you into doubting your whole business.  Kelly Roach knows all about failed launches. She has made a name for herself as a business growth strategist helping business owners become game changers in their field. She is an international best-selling author […]


March 4, 2020

The Live Launch Revolution Explained with Kelly Roach

As entrepreneurs, we love to try out new things. It’s in our nature. I’m a squirrel myself – I want to try one thing and then the next new thing and then that other thing. Some call this the shiny object syndrome. Yet it’s better to do one thing really well than to do many […]


February 26, 2020

How to Focus on One Thing and Not Break Your Business with Denise Duffield-Thomas

  How to Create Viral Content Going viral isn’t just about having your 15 minutes of fame. If your content goes viral, your brand is exposed to a whole new audience you couldn’t ever reach organically. It’s promoting your business without having to spend on ads.  Are you worried you can never reach that many […]


February 19, 2020

How to Create Viral Content with Katya Varbanova

Love Consciousness in Business Elena Herdieckerhoff is an award-winning serial entrepreneur and consciousness coach. This is her story of how as a highly sensitive person, she founded multiple successful businesses.  From Service Based to Product Based and Back Again Elena created her first business in Paris when she was 25. “I was working in HR […]


February 12, 2020

Love Consciousness in Business with Elena Herdieckerhoff

Best Conferences for Female Entrepreneurs in 2020 Live events have changed my life and business. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t started to attend live events over five years ago. Since then, I’ve attended numerous conferences, seminars and workshops and every time it has been worth my time and the money […]


February 5, 2020

#361: Best Conferences for Female Entrepreneurs in 2020

Creating an Online Health Revolution  Dr. Janna Scharfenberg is a medical doctor and Ayurveda expert and teaches her clients online how to simply live healthy. Her biggest mission: Bringing about a health revolution. Here, she explains how.  Finding Her Health Version 10 years ago, Janna was keen on becoming a doctor, treating patients and contributing […]


January 29, 2020

#360: Creating an Online Health Revolution with Dr. Janna Scharfenberg

Converting Instagram Followers to Customers Instagram has become a powerful marketing platform. Using your Instagram account to sell your products or services can help you reach your target audiences and drive your sales. But how can you attract the right followers to your account, and how do you turn them into customers?  Tyler McCall is […]


January 22, 2020

#359: Converting Instagram Followers to Customers with Tyler J. McCall

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