#133: [Client Case Study] From $30K to $100K in One Year with Hunter Clarke-Fields

January 17, 2018

#133: [Client Case Study] From $30K to $100K in One Year with Hunter Clarke-Fields

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Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindfulness mentor, certified Parent Effectiveness Training teacher, and meditation and yoga instructor who coaches mindfulness to thousands of stressed moms across the globe. Aside from making an impact through her Mindful Parenting Course and Mindful Mama Podcast, Hunter continually develops her niche as she raises two active and adorable daughters.
In this client case study episode, Hunter shares how she hit the six-figure mark in her business. She also shares the challenge of worthiness among mothers, the critical factor that influenced excellent results in her courses, and how investing in herself changed her attitude and outlook for her business.
[tweetshareinline tweet=”Looking at the numbers was so reassuring for me. – Hunter Clarke-Fields” username=”sigruncom”]

In this Client Case Study Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What Hunter’s business was like a year ago
  • The changes she implemented in her business this year
  • The significance of learning to launch
  • Why she increased her rates
  • How she can afford to offer scholarships
  • The importance of investing in yourself
  • Her online business’s impact on her and her family’s security

Key Takeaways:

  1. Project and look at what’s possible in your business.
  2. Our relationship with money is just like all other relationships — it can be healthy.

Connect with Hunter Clarke-Fields:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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