Chris Lema is the Vice President of the Products and Innovation Division of a hundred million dollar managed hosting company called Liquid Web. Chris has been speaking to audiences for 30 years and is  a popular in the WordPress community as a blogger, advisor, and public speaker. He is also the creator of the […]


October 13, 2017

#82: Storytelling and Selling, Learn to Tell your Story with Chris Lema

“Rich people are bad…” Consciously I wouldn’t think or say that rich people are bad. But my subconscious has another opinion. Money Mindset Emerges I was in my first year of business and had made $55K in only 3 months. After three 5 figure months I made only $1700 the next month. I was in […]

Blog, Mindset

June 22, 2016

Rich people are bad…or how I discovered my money mindset story

In February 2008 I saw Tony Robbins live for the first time. What I didn’t realise is that this encounter would change my life, literally. Why Tony Robbins I was at the time a CEO on garden leave and a certified Dale Carnegie trainer living in London. I had heard about Tony Robbins from other Dale Carnegie trainers […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

February 27, 2014

How Tony Robbins Helped Me Find True Love and Passion

Everybody loves a good story. And when you hear or read a good story, you can easily remember it and share it. That is why I love reading non-fiction books that have stories to convey their message. I also believe that the stories in our own lives have a deeper meaning. These stories reveal so much – our […]

Blog, Business Idea, Passion to Profits

October 16, 2013

How Your Stories Shape your Passions and Your Future

I believe that the Universe is out to help us. And by Universe I don’t mean anything religious, I mean it as concept. If you know what you want, you are more likely to get what you want, because you are aware. It also works the other way around, it will tell you what you […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

October 8, 2013

How Your Childhood Stories Reveal Your Passions

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