A big vision and a small vision take exactly the same amount of time, effort and energy — so why not think big?  Don Hobbs, my guest this week on The Sigrun Show, really inspired me with these words.  Don began a successful sales and leadership career when he was just 18 years old, working […]


June 3, 2021

How to Think Bigger with Don Hobbs

[one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Apple Podcasts[/one_third][one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Stitcher[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Google Play[/one_third_last] You’ve probably heard of Tony Robbins. He’s a well-known inspirational life coach and business strategist who has impacted thousands of people through his self-help books, seminars, and speaking engagements. When I first attended a Tony Robbins seminar in 2008 called […]


December 28, 2018

#281: How I Found Love at a Tony Robbins Event

Creating a vision is big part of turning your passion into profits. It can be scary, difficult, and time-consuming to follow your  dreams. A compelling vision motivates and drives – and the best part is, when it becomes true – your dream is a reality! Creating a vision for you and your business I learned the […]

Blog, Passion to Profits

May 28, 2014

How Creating a Vision Can Change Your Life – Create Yours Now

I’m on an 18-hole golf course near Alicante in Spain. I’m on the first hole and tee off with great confidence. It’s July and I’m on my first real holiday with my new boyfriend. I got to know him when I was doing sales training for my company. I have worked on my self confidence […]


December 5, 2013

New Year New Life: A Personal Story

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