Finding your true passion is very important when you’re creating your online business. Many new entrepreneurs often try to offer multiple products or services that match with their varied interests and passions. But focusing on too many things at once can lead you down the path of overwhelm and it can affect your ability to […]
Jeanet Bathoorn is a Social Media Expert and the founder of Freedom Entrepreneurs (VrijheidsOndernemers®) where she helps entrepreneurs build the life of freedom they deserve. She is a best-selling author of 5 books, including Get Social in Business, as well as the facilitator of the Freedom Entrepreneurs TransAtlantic Cruise – a cruise retreat where entrepreneurs […]
Katharina Maier is the owner of FRAU MAIER Stilberatung, a style consultancy company. She is passionate about helping women throughout the German-speaking market to identify their individual style. Katharina is recognized throughout her industry as the “design detective” and understands the impact that personal style has on her clients’ self-esteem, self-worth, and self-value. Through her […]
Katrin Hill is a Facebook Marketing Expert who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses by developing strategies to make Facebook work for them. She is recognized in the industry for organically growing her Facebook community. I first met Katrin in my Accelerator Mastermind program before she joined my VIP program. She already had […]
You’ve probably heard of Tony Robbins. He’s a well-known inspirational life coach and business strategist who has impacted thousands of people through his self-help books, seminars, and speaking engagements. When I first attended a Tony Robbins seminar in 2008 called Unleash the Power Within, I was still working in the corporate world as the CEO […]
Sif Traustadottir is an animal behaviorist and veterinarian in Iceland with over a decade of experience helping pet owners live in harmony with their pets. She is the owner of Sif the Vet where she helps people understand their pets’ behaviors and develop preventative and training strategies to improve their pets’ behaviors. I first met […]
Sue B. Zimmerman is the recognized expert on Instagram marketing strategies for entrepreneurs. She is passionate about helping small business owners impact the world and grow their businesses through Instagram marketing techniques. She has been a featured speaker at Social Media Marketing World, Social Media Camp and Social Media Day San Diego. She has taught […]
Lisa Peek, founder of The Impact Ripple, is a money and impact coach who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs play a bigger game in their businesses and transform their mindset around money through her online courses and coaching programs. Lisa has previously joined me in Episode 18 for On Air Coaching to figure out how […]
The Secret Behind Raving Fans and High Retention Rates Jill and Josh Stanton are the founders of Screw The Nine to Five and run the membership site “Screw U”, where they teach unsatisfied webpreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed, focus on the right tasks and build their business strategically. Here, Jill reveals how to get […]